NL JCH & NL CH Suleyman Khan
Nickname: Bestik
Born: 20 July 2016
Sire: Int & Multi CH RayRidge Jared Boleyd "Boy"
Dam: JCH, Rus CH en RKF CH Podarok Iz Afriki Olimpia Odry
NHSB: 3072706 (imp. RU)
Colour: red wheaten
Height: 70,5 cm
Weight: 46kg
Siccor bite: complete
HD-A / OCD, LPA, LPC, Inc free
DM: N/N free
JME: N/N free
Hemofylia B: normal
B-Locus: B/B no carrier
D-Locus: D/D no carrier
Owned by: Mrs. S. Trouwborst-Van den Tol
Dutch Youth Champion 2017
Benelux Winner Brussel 2017
Dutch Champion
Bestik is from a litter of 11 puppies. With the first picture he draw our attention, due to his overall appereance and that calm look in his eyes. No one fools with him. He has grown out into a beautiful, lay-backed male. A no-nonsense Rhodesian Ridgeback, o naughty, stobborn with just a great personality and a true teddy bear to hug.
Not just because he is so beautiful and sweet, but also we checked his background, in which his roots go back to ancient Africa bloodlines as Mushana and Shangara, and also to the English bloodline Gunthwaite & Burncote, of which our Shira comes from. Exclusivly.
We would love to thank everyone who was involved and brought this big teddy bear into our lives.